Buy Figma Version

Easily personalize every element of template with Figma and then transfer to Framer using plugin.

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

Currently in stealth mode

A inteligência que atua como
o seu segundo cérebro dentro da sua empresa

Encurte sua jornada de tomada de decisão com agentes de IA que pensam como você e agem para você, combinando dados, insights e domínio de negócio em um só lugar, na velocidade que o mercado exige.

Encurte sua jornada de tomada de decisão com agentes de IA que pensam como você e agem para você, combinando dados, insights e domínio de negócio em um só lugar, na velocidade que o mercado exige.

Dashboards não tomam decisões.
Chega de perder tempo.

Dashboards não tomam decisões.
Chega de perder tempo.

Executivos passam horas consultando dados internos, cruzando informações de fontes externas e tentando interpretar uma avalanche de relatórios para encontrar a melhor decisão. E, no fim, ainda falta clareza para agir rapidamente.

Executivos passam horas consultando dados internos, cruzando informações de fontes externas e tentando interpretar uma avalanche de relatórios para encontrar a melhor decisão. E, no fim, ainda falta clareza para agir rapidamente.

Authentic Connections

Build genuine relationships with like-minded individuals.

Authentic Connections

Build genuine relationships with like-minded individuals.

Authentic Connections

Build genuine relationships with like-minded individuals.

Global Reach

Connect with people across 50+ countries effortlessly.

Global Reach

Connect with people across 50+ countries effortlessly.

Global Reach

Connect with people across 50+ countries effortlessly.

Background Image
Background Image
Background Image
Mobile Image
Mobile Image
Mobile Image

Personalized Experience

Tailored content and recommendations just for you.

Personalized Experience

Tailored content and recommendations just for you.

Personalized Experience

Tailored content and recommendations just for you.

Community Support

Join thriving communities aroundyour interests.

Community Support

Join thriving communities aroundyour interests.

Community Support

Join thriving communities aroundyour interests.

Muito mais que uma assistente.
Agora sua aliada.

Com os agentes de IA suas ideias ganham velocidade e você ganha fôlego. É como ter um braço direito digital que analisa, sugere e toma decisões para você.

Com os agentes de IA suas ideias ganham velocidade e você ganha fôlego. É como ter um braço direito digital que analisa, sugere e toma decisões para você.

Security-oriented monitoring
Security-oriented monitoring
Security-minded telemetry
Security-minded telemetry
Security-minded telemetry
Complete employment authentication
Complete employment authentication
Complete workforce identity
Complete workforce identity
Complete workforce identity
Workflows for secure entrance
Workflows for secure entrance
Workflows for secure access
Workflows for secure access
Workflows for secure access
Identity automated processes
Identity automated processes
Identity automations
Identity automations
Identity automations

A ponte entre dados, insights e ação, independentemente do setor

Advanced Security Features

Advanced Security Features

Our advanced security features include multi-factor authentication (MFA), role-based access control (RBAC), and advanced threat detection.

Advanced Security Features

Our advanced security features include multi-factor authentication (MFA), role-based access control (RBAC), and advanced threat detection.

Advanced Security Features

Our advanced security features include multi-factor authentication (MFA), role-based access control (RBAC), and advanced threat detection.

Comprehensive Telemetry

Comprehensive Telemetry

Gain unparalleled insights into your identity and access management processes with Nikea's comprehensive telemetry.

Comprehensive Telemetry

Gain unparalleled insights into your identity and access management processes with Nikea's comprehensive telemetry.

Comprehensive Telemetry

Gain unparalleled insights into your identity and access management processes with Nikea's comprehensive telemetry.

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our platform supports a wide range of third-party integrations.

Seamless Integration

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our platform supports a wide range of third-party integrations.

Seamless Integration

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our platform supports a wide range of third-party integrations.

Request an invite

Request an invite

Request an invite

Request an invite

Get a front row seat to the newest in identity and access.

Get a front row seat to the newest in identity and access.


Set a portal ID and form in the Properties.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.